We are proud to have been awarded the Bronze Award as part of the East Sussex County Council's Wellbeing at Work initiative.
Wellbeing representatives from each office have now undertaken their Workplace Wellbeing Champion Training and Mental Health Awareness Training from ‘Mental Health First Aid England’. Our aim is to increase our knowledge and understanding and raise awareness of mental health to help to reduce stigma and provide a supportive work environment, offering advice and support to anyone experiencing a mental health issue.
We are pleased to be collaborating with ESCC on this initiative and look forward to working towards other criteria taking us further in our Wellbeing Journey.
Starting in the new year we will be working towards achieving the Silver Award. The Wellbeing Champions will also be meeting in January to create a calendar of events throughout the year to promote Health and Wellbeing and improve our social interactions and have some fun!
Heringtons' HR Assistant, Sarah Akif, pictured right, receiving the award from Georgie Chesham, ESCC's Wellbeing at Work Project Officer.